English below
Deadline ansøgning var den 13. marts 2018
Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Netværk (DUN) giver igen i år 10 stipendier til deltagelse i DUN Konferencen 2018 til studerende fra DUNs medlemsinstitutioner.
De studerende deltager på almindelig vis i konferencen og kan også indsende abstracts (deadline den 28. januar). Såfremt stipendiet ikke gives, er der mulighed for at trække sit abstract tilbage eller tilmelde sig DUN Konferencen 2018 på lige fod med de andre deltagere.
Der vil under konferencen blive mulighed for, at de studerende mødes i SIG-mødebåndet. Se programmet.
Den studerende indsender ansøgningen via ovenstående link og vil blive bedt om en kort begrundelse for at søge stipendiet (max 1.000 tegn inkl. mellemrum) samt navn, nuværende uddannelse, institution, afdeling og universitetsuddannelsesmæssige interesser.
Ansøgningerne godkendes og udvælges af planlægningsgruppen for DUN Konferencen 2018.
Vedr. godkendelse af stipendiet:
BEMÆRK: De deltagende studerende vil blive indkvarteret i dobbeltværelser, men spørges inden.
Deadline for submitting application was March 13, 2018
Again this year, Danish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education (DUN) provides 10 scholarships for participation in DUN Conference 2018 for students from DUN’s member institutions.
The students will participate equally with other participants in the conference and can also submit abstracts (deadline January 28, 2018). If the scholarship is not given, it is possible to withdraw the abstract or sign up for DUN Conference 2018 on an equal footing with the other participants.
During the conference the students have an opportunity to meet in the program. See the program.
To get a scholarship, the student must submit a short application stating reasons for applying for the scholarship (max 1,000 characters including spaces) as well as name, current education, institution, department and university education interests.
Applications are approved and selected by the planning group for DUN Conference 2018.
Regarding approval of the scholarship:
NOTE: The participating students will be accommodated in double rooms, but asked in advance.