Keynote & speakers

Åbningstalen ved DUN Konferencen 2019

28. maj, kl. 10.00-10.20

Lars Ulriksen F                                                     

Helle Mathiasen Ek                                                   

To talere indleder sammen årets DUN Konference.                         


Lars Ulriksen

Formand for DUN

Professor ved Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik

Københavns Universitet

Helle Mathiasen

Professor ved Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik

Københavns Universitet




 28. maj, kl. 10.20-12.00

David 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dr David J. Lefevre

Director of the Editech Lab

The Imperial College Business School

I joined Imperial College in 2001 as an MSc student in the Department of Computing and then completed a PhD in the  Imperial College Business Schoool. I have a long standing interest in the use of technology in education and started teaching my classes online in 2003. My role evolved to encourage others to teach using technology. In 2005 I joined Business School and formed the Edtech Lab.

Our  team has overseen a substantial increase in the use of educational technology at the School. We launched our Global Online MBA programme in 2015 and have received awards along the way including including a Gold award at the IMS Learning Impact awards in 2010 and an Efeective Practice Award at the Sloan-C Blended Learning Conference in 2011.

I was co-founder and now president of the Imperial College eLearning spin-out firm Epigeum (now a successful part of the Oxford Univeristy Press) which publishes high quality online courseware used by 250 universities globally.  In 2018 I helped launch Insendi, also spin-out firm from the Edtech Lab focused on online learning platforms.



29. maj, kl. 10.45-11.50

Jakob Ravn E                                                                                                           
Jakob Ravn

Leder af Teaching & Learning

Copenhagen Business School

I år vil vi gerne involvere deltagerne aktivt i en fælles debat, hvor forskellige emner - af relevans til temaet - kort sættes op af facilitator Jakob Ravn, og hvor der herefter tages stilling og diskuteres omkring bordene. 




The opening speech at DUN Conference 2019

May 28, 10.00-10.20

Lars Ulriksen F                                                     

Helle Mathiasen Ek                                                      

Two speakers will together open this year's DUN Conference.

The speech will be in Danish.  

Lars Ulriksen

Chairman of DUN

Professor at Department of Science Education

University of Copenhagen

Helle Mathiasen

Professor at Department of Science Education

University of Copenhagen




 May 28, 10.20-12.00

David 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dr David J. Lefevre

Director of the Editech Lab

The Imperial College Business School

I joined Imperial College in 2001 as an MSc student in the Department of Computing and then completed a PhD in the  Imperial College Business Schoool. I have a long standing interest in the use of technology in education and started teaching my classes online in 2003. My role evolved to encourage others to teach using technology. In 2005 I joined Business School and formed the Edtech Lab.

Our  team has overseen a substantial increase in the use of educational technology at the School. We launched our Global Online MBA programme in 2015 and have received awards along the way including including a Gold award at the IMS Learning Impact awards in 2010 and an Efeective Practice Award at the Sloan-C Blended Learning Conference in 2011.

I was co-founder and now president of the Imperial College eLearning spin-out firm Epigeum (now a successful part of the Oxford Univeristy Press) which publishes high quality online courseware used by 250 universities globally.  In 2018 I helped launch Insendi, also spin-out firm from the Edtech Lab focused on online learning platforms.


Participant debate

May 29, 10.45-11.50

Jakob Ravn E                                                                                                           
Jakob Ravn

Head of Teaching & Learning

Copenhagen Business School

This year, we would like to actively involve the participants in a joint debate, where different topics - relevant to the conference theme - are briefed by the facilitator, Jakob Ravn, and then discussed around the tables.

The debate will be initiated in Danish.