

In English below


Malcolm Tight, Professor, Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation, Lancaster University (UK) 

Titel: Researching Quality in Higher Education


Jørgen Søndergaard, Formand for udvalget for Kvalitet og Relevans I de Videregående Uddannelser (DK) Udvalg for Kvalitet og Relevans i de Videregående Uddannelser

Titel: Quality in Higher Education in Denmark


Jude Carroll, Educational development consultant, tidligere Oxford Brookes University – Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development (UK)

Titel: Teaching in an educationally mobile world:  good practice principles and teacher adjustments


Karen M. Lauridsen, Lektor, Aarhus Universitet, Center for Undervisning og Læring (DK)

Titel: International Programmes or English Medium Instruction – what’s the difference and why does it matter?


In English



There will be four keynote speakers at the conference: 


Malcolm Tight, Professor, Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation, Lancaster University (UK)

Title: Researching Quality in Higher Education


Jørgen Søndergaard, Chair of the Expert Committee on Quality in Higher Education in Denmark (Ministry of Higher Education and Science) 

Title: Quality in Higher Education in Denmark


Jude Carroll, Educational development consultant, previously Oxford Brookes University – Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development (UK)

Title: Teaching in an educationally mobile world:  good practice principles and teacher adjustments


Karen M. Lauridsen, Aarhus University, Centre for Teaching and Learning, DK

Title: International Programmes or English Medium Instruction – what’s the difference and why does it matter?