24. april 2024 - SIG-Webinar: Creativity in Higher Education

Date: April 24 2024, 9.00-11.00

Venue: Online (link to join will be sent out)

Registration deadline: April 17, 2024 

Fee: Free

The SIG-meeting is open to all

Sign up 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact webinar host Cita Nørgård 



 09.05  Patricia Wolf, professor, Faculty of business and Social sciences, SDU

Creativity is a crucial skill for future engineers and it is becoming increasingly important for higher education (HE) engineering educators to foster and enhance engineering students' creative abilities. Simultaneously, online learning has found a place in engineering education. Nevertheless, HE engineering educators in all domains continue to express a sense of inadequacy when it comes to fostering creativity in hybrid and online learning environments.

In this talk, I will show the results of a recent study that invited 71 HE engineering educators from Ireland, Germany, Denmark and Turkey to discuss common challenges in facilitating creativity in online and hybrid classroom environments (Wolf et al., 2024). Further, I will introduce and demonstrate the Teaching Creativity Online (TICON) platform that includes more than 50 methods that HE teachers can apply for creatively teaching online.




Michael Mose Biskjær, Lektor, Institut for kommunikation og kultur, Aarhus Universitet

Cultivating creativity across disciplines in higher education is more important than ever. The rapid evolution of advanced, digital creativity support tools (CSTs) and generative artificial intelligence (GAI), however, challenges many of our preconceptions about human creativity and prompts the need for us, as educators, to potentially rethink our approach to teaching creativity as a basis for value creation and innovation.

In this talk, I will attempt to give an overview of state-of-the-art research on digital creativity and some of the main prospects and perils we have encountered in the digital creativity research projects we have run at Aarhus University in the past decade.



 10.25  General discussion –

Your themes and an invitation to think about how creativity and creative competences are feeding into Innovation and Entrepreneurship in 2024.

Wrapping up



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