English below

14. maj 2020, kl. 8.30-9.00

Åbningstalen holdes online i Zoom (på dansk)

Hvis du har tilmeldt dig åbningstalen, vil du også få et link pr. mail til et møderum i Zoom.

Åbningstalen gives i år af formand for DUN og professor Lars Ulriksen samt ansvarshavende redaktør for DUT og postdoc Katrine Lindvig, begge ansat ved Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, Københavns Universitet

Lars har især interesseret sig for førsteårspædagogik og overgangen mellem ungdomsuddannelse og universitet.

Katrine overtog 1. januar 2020 posten som ansvarshavende redaktør for Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift, DUT.

Lars Ulriksen F 

Katrine Lindvig

Lars Ulriksen

Formand for DUN

Professor ved Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik 

Københavns Universitet

Katrine Lindvig

Ansvarshavende redaktør for DUT

Postdoc ved Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik

Københavns Universitet




The opening speech takes place online in Zoom (in Danish)

We will let you know when it is possible to register for the program.

If you have signed up for the opening speech, you will receive a link to a meeting room in Zoom.

The opening speech will be given this year by the chair of DUN and Professor Lars Ulriksen as well as the responsible editor of DUT and Postdoc Katrine Lindvig, both employed by the Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen

Lars is particularly interested in first-year education and the transition between youth education and university.

On January 1, 2020, Katrine assumed the post of editor in charge of the Danish Journal of Higher Education, DUT.

Lars Ulriksen F 

Katrine Lindvig

Lars Ulriksen

Chairman of  DUN

Professor at Department of Science Education 

Copenhagen University

Katrine Lindvig

Responsible Editor for DUT

Postdoc at Department of Science Education

Copenhagen University