18. februar 2025

February 25, 2025- Meeting on Research-based Teaching in the Field and the Lab

Spend an afternoon discussing how research and teaching are integrated in the context of laboratory and fieldwork, through examples from research and practice. [...]
10. april 2024

March 11, 2024 - Meeting

On March 11, 2024 the SIG had a full day meeting at the Technical University of Denmark where we discussed learning saves, time for learning and the potentials of laboratory learning. [...]
23. november 2023

December 1, 2022 - Online seminar: Tacit and affective learning in lab and fieldwork

SIG, Learning in Laboratory and Field Work: in this meeting, we will learn about and discuss the affective learning that takes place in the laboratory - for instance, the role practical work has in shaping students' attitudes, capacity beliefs, motivation, and conceptions of professional identity. [...]
23. november 2023

November 8, 2022 - Short workshop on 'Students’ creative competences in laboratory and field work'

Members from the SIG (Cita Nørgaard, Rikke Fröhlich & Frederik Voetmann Christiansen) held a short workshop on "Students’ creative competences in laboratory and field work" on the TAL22 conferenc… [...]
23. november 2023

March 21, 2022 - Meeting

At this meeting, we will discuss two overall themes: 'How to explore student learning and outcomes in field work and lab work – researcher and practitioner perspectives' and 'Integrating research perspectives in laboratory work and field work – moving beyond “standard exercises”'. [...]
23. november 2023

March 8, 2021 - Open SIG-seminar: Competence development from lab work and fieldwork

The SIG ’Laboratory and Field Work Learning’ invites to an online seminar with international speakers. In the seminar, there will be a broad discussion about the learning outcomes associated with learning in laboratory work and fieldwork in university settings. [...]
23. november 2023

16. september 2020 - Undervisning og læring i lab og felt - erfaringer fra COVID-19

Tema: Undervisning og læring i lab og felt - erfaringer fra COVID-19. Seminaret vil danne ramme om deling af erfaringer med bl.a. virtuel, asynkron undervisning og med studerendes arbejde med data på nye måder samt indeholde diskussioner i retning af det fortsatte arbejde med udvikling og forskning inden for laboratorie- og felt-undervisning på de videregående uddannelser. [...]
23. november 2023

19. november 2019 - Seminar

Heldagsseminar, der fokuserer på læring i laboratorie- og feltarbejde. Omdrejningspunktet for de forskellige oplæg og diskussioner på dagen vil være udviklingen af god undervisningspraksis og god læring i det praktiske arbejde i laboratoriet og i felten. [...]
23. november 2023

28. maj 2019 - SIG-møder på DUN konferencen 2019

Kom og hør om de forskellige SIG'er på DUN konferencen 2019 [...]