November 3, 2020 - Open SIG webinar in HEPP: Academic citizenship – challenges and possibilities in our time

Date: November 3, 2020, 14.00-16.00

Venue: Online

Fee: Free 

Registration: Write an email to Søren Bengtsen at Link Arrow 

The first part (at 14.00-15.00) is open and free to all and the second part (at 15.00-16.00) is a closed HEPP meeting. 

The SIG 'Higher Education Policy and Practice, HEPP' invites to a webinar on academic activism, with guest-speaker Professor Bruce Macfarlane, University of Bristol, who’s written on academic citizenship and freedom over the last two decades. 

The event falls into two parts:

  • The first part at 14.00-15.00 is open and free to all DUN members and beyond. Here Bruce will present and a HEPP panel will ask questions and open for a wider debate.
  • The second part at 15.00-16.00 is a closed meeting for HEPP members only, where the members will relate Bruce’s talk to our own national and institutional contexts and discuss how to move forward from here. 

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