11. marts 2024

SIG udgivelse: HEPP om ‘academic citizenship’ i tidsskriftet Journal of Praxis in Higher Education

What is academic citizenship? Through a collection of 17 original research essays, this special issue invites the reader into an ongoing conversation engaging different standpoints, scales, and interests. It discusses the role of the academic citizen, the conditions defining this role and potential futures, including the purpose of academic citizenship in charting the course forward. [...]
20. november 2023

8. maj 2023 - Spændingsfelter i universiteters økonomistyring – i grænselandet mellem beregning og beslutning (SIG-Webinar)

Som forskning viser, så er økonomistyringspraksisser og -tilgange afgørende for rammerne for uddannelse og forskning samt akademiske medarbejderes arbejdsforhold. Målet med webinaret er at give praktikere på begge sider af dette grænseland en flig af indblik i, hvordan økonomiske beregninger på universiteterne indvirker på ledelse, forskning og pædagogik – og hvordan ledelse og faglige logikker sætter sig i tallene. [...]
20. november 2023

March 3, 2022 - Open seminar on building responsible research cultures in universities and university colleges

The Sector Network for Responsible Conduct of Research (SAF) and the HEPP SIG would like to invite you to a one-day seminar to discuss current practices and challenges in relation to creating a culture of research integrity and responsible research practices. [...]
20. november 2023

March 2, 2022 - Panel debate: (Un)willing academic work - Between complicity and critique

This panel debate addresses the complexities and contradictions present in universities today, where academics often work (un)willingly to implement agendas they do not whole-heartedly support - or which they only partially support, and perhaps not as explicitly as they could do, due to various cultural-critical conventions. [...]
20. november 2023

November 5, 2021 - Open meeting in HEPP: Research Integrity in Danish University Colleges and Universities

The Sector Network for Responsible Conduct of Research (SAF) and the DUN Special Interest Group on Higher Education Policy and Practice would like to invite you to a one-day seminar to discuss current practices and challenges in relation to creating a culture of research integrity and responsible research practices. [...]
20. november 2023

November 3, 2021 - Open TLIC-HEPP webinar: Keeping international classrooms alive through virtual mobility

The Sector Network for Responsible Conduct of Research (SAF) and the DUN Special Interest Group on Higher Education Policy and Practice would like to invite you to a one-day seminar to discuss current practices and challenges in relation to creating a culture of research integrity and responsible research practices. [...]
20. november 2023

October 27, 2021 - Webinar: 'Atmospheres of university education: courses and forces'

Professor Jan Masschelein will discuss how the university as gatherings of people, structures, and things can create, sometimes, a way a being with/in the world which we might think of as 'publics' of various scales. The lecture will be followed by a SIG meeting in HEPP with follow-up discussions. [...]
20. november 2023

May 3, 2021 - Webinar: What would a society without universities look like – and how could the university and its societal responsibilities be reimagined?

The webinar contains a workshop only for members of the SIG and an open part for all interested with talk by Professer and Associate Vice-President David J. Hornsby, Carleton University, Canada followed by Q&A and an open plenary discussion with the audience. [...]
20. november 2023

December 4, 2020 - Online Seminar: More cuts to English-medium education? What is the future of international higher education in Denmark?

The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science recently announced that ‘interventions are necessary to limit spending on SU (student grants) for EU students’. In 2018, such an intervention resulted in cuts to study programmes with ‘English-speaking’ students. Does this herald further cuts to English-medium higher education? [...]
20. november 2023

November 13, 2020 - Conference: Research integrity and research freedom – what is the difference, and why does it matter?

This virtual conference will serve as a platform to discuss the challenges brought by the global pandemic, brainstorm approaches to tackle the challenges and turn them into opportunities, and envision the future landscape of internationalisation. [...]
20. november 2023

November 3, 2020 - Open SIG webinar in HEPP: Academic citizenship – challenges and possibilities in our time

The webinar will include a presentation from Professor Bruce Macfarlane, University of Bristol, who’s written on academic citizenship and freedom over the last two decades. A HEPP panel will open for a wider debate and afterwards follows a closed HEPP meeting related to Bruce's talk. [...]
20. november 2023

August 25, 2020 - Online SIG-meeting

The meeting is only for SIG-members and will include a summary of the earlier launch meeting, discussions of the four themes and planning of the coming year with suggested activities and events. [...]
20. november 2023

May 20, 2020 - Launch event

ate: May 20, 2020, 10.00-12.00Venue: Online.Read summary of the event below. These days, and perhaps more than ever, it’s absolutely crucial to sustain our academic communities across in… [...]