DODS - Seminar: ”Doctoral supervision as a complex craft – and possible implications for the work of academic development

DODS - Development of Doctoral Supervision and Faglig vejledning og mentoring på de videregående uddannelser

: June 4, 2025 from 10:00-14:00 CET

Place: University of Copenhagen, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 8-16, Room: 4A.1.46 (Building 4A, first floor, room 46)

Fee: Free

Target group: Academic developers, Research school directors, PhD coordinators, Heads of academic development units

Language: English

Deadline for registration: May 26 2025.

Sign up

In this meeting, we will focus on matters of perspective (theorising) in how we understand the ‘nature’ of doctoral supervision and then draw some links over to academic development practice. After a long time of researching in this area, and practising as an academic developer and a supervisor, I am interested in thinking of supervision as a complex craft, acquired over time and enriched by the hindsight that arises from making ‘mistakes’. In my view, supervision is profoundly ethical due to its relatively intimate intersubjective nature (compared to classroom teaching, say) and to its socialisation purpose of preparing the next generation of academics, researchers, and advanced knowledge workers.

The meeting will begin with a presentation drawing on my, and others’, research around doctoral supervision, taking the common injunction ‘to care’ in supervision as a moment to pause and reflect critically on what is being asked of us. Then we will proceed into a more interactive space where we can think together about the implications of my presentation for how best to support the development/growth/learning of academics who work as doctoral supervisors. 

Barbara Grant is Associate Professor in the School of Critical Studies in Education at the University of Auckland where she researches in the field of critical university studies. She is interested in doctoral education, including the supervision of graduate students, as well as academic work and identities, and activism within the university​.


 10:00-10:30        Welcome and introduction       


 Presentation and facilitated discussion by Dr Barbara Grant, University of Auckland




 Reflection and discussion in the two SIG groups facilitated by the SIG coordinators


 Wrapping up 


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