9. marts 2022 - Åben online workshop: Rollerne i en studieordningsrevisionsproces

nglish below

Dato: 9. marts 2022 kl. 13.00 - 14.30

Sted: Online via Zoom

“What are the conditions that lead a school to decide, all of a sudden, that the time is right to expend a lot of resources and people capital toward developing a new curriculum?” (Norman 2017, s. 797)

Når det besluttes at man vil revidere en studieordning, hvem italesætter så formålet og visionen for uddannelsen, hvem er involveret i beslutningerne og processen? En studieordningsrevision er en kompleks proces, da den indeholder mange forskellige faser og elementer over en længere tidshorisont med mange interessenter og dermed mange forskellige og nogle gange modsatrettede holdninger.

Denne session vil have fokus på de forskellige aktører der kan være involveret i en udviklings- og designproces for en studieordning.

Der vil blive diskuteret specifikt ud fra en case fra Aarhus Universitet, hvor bl.a. flere sundhedsuddannelser har gennemgået større studieordningsrevisionsprocesser. På baggrund af det vil deltagerne blandt andet diskutere hvilken rolle en uddannelsesudvikler og konsulent har i denne proces.

                                                               ------------------     English     ------------------

Open online workshop: The roles in a curriculum development and design

Date: March 9, 2022, 13.00 - 14.30

Venue: Online via Zoom 

The roles in a curriculum development and design

“What are the conditions that lead a school to decide, all of a sudden, that the time is right to expend a lot of resources and people capital toward developing a new curriculum?” (Norman 2017, s. 797)

When it is decided to revise a curriculum, who then states the purpose and vision of the education, who is involved in the decisions and the process? A curriculum revision is a complex process as it contains many different phases and elements over a longer time horizon with many stakeholders and thus many different and sometimes opposing views.

This session will focus on the various agents that may be involved in a development and designing process for a curriculum.

You will be presented for a case from Aarhus University, where several health science educations have undergone major curriculum revision processes. Based on this, we will among other things, discuss the role of an education developer and consultant in this process.

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