Teaching freedom in Danish and other European universities: SIG-webinar

Dates: April 18, 2023

Time: 12.30-14.00 (CET)

Venue: Online (Zoom-link will follow)

Fee: Free
All interested in teaching freedom at universities are welcome to attend. 

Registration deadline: April 16, 2023


Teaching freedom in Danish and other European universities – webinar facilitated by the Danish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education Special Interest Groups: Teaching and Learning in the International Classroom (TLIC) and Bias Aware Teaching and Learning (BATL)

Introduction to the webinar
Teaching freedom is a key element in science dissemination and in the education of the new generations. Teaching freedom should be based on free and fluid interaction between teachers and students. However, teaching freedom oftentimes faces challenges such as weak teacher´s protection, institutional bureaucracy, excessive focus on the destination (grades) over the journey (learning process), among others.

We are delighted that two colleagues from SDU’s Department of Law Sten Schaumburg-Müller and José Maria Lorenzo Villaverde will contribute to the webinar. Sten Schaumburg-Müller will share insights from his research and publications on teaching and academic freedom in Danish universities and José Maria Lorenzo Villaverde will share reflections on other European perspectives and experiences to help us contextualise and better assess teaching freedom in Denmark. The webinar includes time for questions and group discussions.

Sten Schaumburg-Müller – Professor, dr.jur. Law in Society, Department of Law, SDU 

José Maria Lorenzo Villaverde – Accredited Prof. Cont. Dr. – ACSUG (Spain)  
Assistant Prof. Department of Law, SDU. Abogado (Member Bar of Lawyers – Madrid) 

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