Date: November 2, 2023, 9.00 - 15.30
Venue: Auditorium O100, SDU Odense, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M
Deadline: October 26, 2023
Deadline abstracts: May 30, 2023
Fee: Free - but a fee of 500 DKK for registered participants who do not show up and do not cancel
Conference language: Keynote and panel discussion will be in English, whereas there will be parallel sessions in Danish and English, morning and afternoon.
Programme committee: SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning: Cita Nørgård,; Torben K. Jensen,
Contact: Anne Grete Petersen,
Info and registration - English
The main theme of the conference is activating teaching and learning which are the fundamental principles at the University of Southern Denmark, SDU. The conference intends to support practitioners’ mutual inspiration and present knowledge and experiences on how students’ learning is enhanced in accordance with the fundamental principles of SDU.
The objective of the conference is to provide for the participants an opportunity to
This year we direct our attention to Group work - formats, function, facilitation, and effect on learning and well-being.
A large part of the students' learning in higher education - and perhaps the most important and deepest part - takes place through work in groups in seminars, practice classes, laboratories and preparation outside of class.
And many higher education institutions are officially based on the Study Activity Model which sets the norm for study activities in and outside of teaching hours, and which in practice depends on well-functioning study groups.
Finally, working communities in groups are very crucial for the development of sense of belonging and self-efficacy related to studies and student life, which in turn is crucial for well-being and persistence.
Therefore, there are many good reasons to exchange experiences on how the work in study groups can be integrated and facilitated as best as possible.
The conference target group is primarily employees at SDU and the University Colleges in the region. Meanwhile, the conference is open to everyone and abstracts and sign ups from participants from other national universities and other educational institutions are more than welcome.
Programme - temporary
08.30 | Coffee and rolls | |
09.00 | Welcome | |
09.15 | Keynote Ib Ravn, DPU with interactions and Q&A | |
10.45 | Break | |
11.15 | Parallel sessions 1 - in Danish and English - short communications and posters | |
12.15 | Sandwich lunch | |
13.00 | Parallel sessions 2 - in Danish and English - short communications and workshops | |
14.00 | Break | |
14.15 | Panel discussion | |
15.30 | Closing statements - Safe trip home! |
In the parallel sessions we invite you to share your teaching experiences regarding the following tracks:
Formats for contributions
Abstracts must be submitted in Word format - deadline 30 May. Please download and use the below templates:
Students are welcome to contribute a presentation with a teacher from SDU, UC or other higher education institutions.
Conference proceedings
Contributors to TAL2023 will be invited to also contribute to the conference proceedings.