IJAD Pre-Conference Workshop at ICED Conference

Date: June 4, 2024, 08.00-11.00

Venue: On-site, Nairobi, Kenya

Fee: 80 USD
(includes lunch and registration at up to 2 additional pre-conferences, if desired)


(Registration for the ICED Conference is required and is an additional cost)

IJAD Pre-Conference Workshop at ICED Conference

In this three-hour interactive pre-conference workshop, the International Journal of Academic Development (IJAD) editorial team will guide you through the publication process in this journal.

The programme will focus on how to frame your proposal, prepare a strong manuscript, make your reviewers' tasks easier from the outset and respond to their feedback appropriately, and maintain good relationships with your IJAD editor.

You will develop concrete plans for your own research project and end with an action plan for productive writing. Lunch is included in the cost of the programme.

With the registration fee, participants can also engage in the 11:30 - 14:30 and 15:30 - 18:30 pre-conference workshops at no additional cost.

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