Date: May 16-18, 2022
Venue: Mid-Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden
Deadline Submission: October 8, 2021 (Symposia/Full & Short papers)
November 19, 2021 (Workshops/Round tables)
Call for Papers
Since 1998 the biennial Networked Learning Conference has been an opportunity to participate in a forum for the critical examination and analysis of research in networked learning – particularly in higher education and lifelong learning. Networked learning has become a broader area of inquiry over the years, bringing together research in education and organisations spanning formal, informal, and technology enhanced learning settings.
It is a conference that is particularly concerned with critical perspectives, theory, pedagogical values, analysis, practicebased research and designs for learning. The focus of the conference is research and practice that addresses relational aspects of learning; interplay between human beings; development with an emphasis on dialogical learning, collaborative and cooperative learning; and learning in social networks.
Within the field of Networked Learning, you are invited to contribute with papers, workshops, and discussion groups on the following issues:
- Philosophies, theories, methodologies and designs for Networked Learning
- Methods, research design, data and analysis in Networked Learning (e.g., phenomenography, social network analysis, socio-material approaches)
- Conceptualisations of networked lifelong learning as a blended, boundless or hybrid phenomenon
- Learning on the move: places and spaces for networked learning
- Networked learning across the lifespan (early childhood, school, work and retirement)
- The role of sustainability in Networked Learning
- Ethical perspectives on Networked Learning (e.g., equity, inclusivity, social justice, values)
- Roles of artificial intelligence, big data and learning analytics in Networked Learning
- Situating Networked Learning conceptually, historically or systematically
- Debates and emerging issues in Networked Learning (e.g., the future of lifelong learning, hybridity, post-digital education, sustainability)
Keynote Speakers
- Maha Bali, American University in Cairo, Egypt
- Gert Biesta, Maynooth University, Ireland/University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- Martha Cleveland-Innes, Athabasca University, Canada/Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Conference Committee
- Jimmy Jaldemark, Mid Sweden University
- Marcia Håkansson Lindqvist, Mid Sweden University
- Peter Mozelius, Mid Sweden University
- Lena-Maria Öberg, Mid Sweden University
- Nina Bonderup Dohn, University of Southern Denmark
- Maarten de Laat, Wollongong University, Australia
- Thomas Ryberg, Aalborg University, Denmark
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