Conference: EARLI SIG 24 - Researcher Education and Careers

Time: September 25-27, 2024

Location: Leiden University, Willem Einthoven Building, Kolffpad 1, 2333 BN Leiden, The Netherlands

Fee: 100 euro / 50 euros for students or PhD candidates 

Deadline for registration: mid-August 


Fostering researcher independence: What are the educational and professional development consequences in doctoral context?
The concept of researcher independence has always been a contested topic in doctoral education (Elliot et al., 2023). First, there are various debates as to whether researcher independence is – one of the main outcomes of doctoral education, an essential part of the doctoral process or an invaluable trait that supervisors frequently look for among potential doctoral scholars from the outset (even before supervision commences). Understanding such differences is crucial as it poses conceptual, pedagogical and practical implications. Secondly, while seemingly counter-intuitive, it is increasingly being recognised that the key to developing researcher competence and independence is through highlighting, promoting and practicing interdependence among doctoral scholars (Arvanitakis et al., 2024). It is also crucial to consider the various perspectives surrounding the term researcher independence given the various key players and layers within the doctoral ecology. The complexity entailed by pursuing an in-depth understanding of researcher independence and its implications is what the conference will aim to uncover and dig into more deeply. A deeper understanding of this phenomenon – researcher independence – is arguably critical in higher education, but specifically in doctoral education as we continue to reflect on current practice and aim to advance doctoral pedagogies. This understanding informs promoting evidence-based support concerning educational and professional development practices for doctoral scholars, doctoral supervisors, researcher developers and other staff in Higher Education Institutions. At the Leiden conference the attendees will brainstorm about papers for a special edition on the researcher independence.


Wednesday, September 25 


    Registration and Welcome (tea/coffee) 




    Keynote 1: Kay Guccione


    Speed dates and informal drinks 


    Boat trip through Leiden canals  

Thursday, September 26


    Keynote 2: Kelsy Inouye and Isabel Skakni 


    Coffee/tea break


    Reflection on group work and start with interactive break-out group sessions




    Continuation of interactive break-out group sessions   


    Plenary feedback session 


    Dinner (Indonesian rice tables at Sumatra house in Leiden)

Friday, September 27


    Writing groups and forward planning

Contact (planning group)

  • Dely Lazarte Elliot, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Hatice Nuriler, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Søren Smedegaard Bengtsen, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Inge van der Weijden, Leiden University, The Netherlands

Hosting the meeting of SIG 24 2024:
Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University
Contact: Inge van der Weijden,

For your stay in Leiden, we have arrangements with 3 hotels (university prices) in Leiden.