Webinar: Empower Students for Academic Success II - Teaching Students Study Skills Informed by the Science of Learning

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Date: March 18. 2022, 13.50 - 21.15 (CET)

Venue: Online via Zoom

Fee: Free of charge


The Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning are pleased to announce this upcoming free Zoom Webinar.

Presenters at this year’s event will be Link Arrow Dr. Stephen Chew, Samford University, Link Arrow Dr. Anne Cleary, Colorado State University, and Link Arrow Catherine OversonLink Arrow Lauren Kordonowy, and Link Arrow Victor Benassi, University of New Hampshire.

This webinar should be of particular interest to staff of teaching and learning centers, faculty development programs, student learning assistance programs, student academic success programs, etc. It should also be of interest to faculty and teaching graduate students who want to assist their students in learning and using study strategies that will improve their learning, retention, and transfer of academic material.

This event will build on Link Arrow the first Empower Students for Academic Success Webinar, held in November 2020. 

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