Venue: Radisson Blu, Aarhus
Fees: See website
Registration deadline: Final deadline: May 15, 2022
Deadline for pre-conference: May 1, 2022
The borders to Denmark are completely open and Covid-19 is no longer seen as a critical disease in Denmark.
We look forward to meeting you and to inspiring each other.
ICED22 will address the role and responsibility of educational developers in coping with the 17 Global Goals of sustainability.
Apart from being one of the goals in its own right, education plays a pivotal role if the global goals for a sustainable future shall be achieved. Educational developers in higher education have a particular responsibility for educating the researchers, professionals, experts etc. to increase our understanding of challenges and propose solutions to move the goals forward.
Kathryn Sutherland, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Adrianna Kezar, University of Southern California, USA
Klara Bolander Laksov, Stockholm University, Sweden
Kasturi Behari-Leak, University of Cape Town, South Africa
So far, 155 abstracts are included in the conference program. The authors are coming from 28 different countries.
Conference formats: Pitch poster - Paper - Workshop 40 minutes - Workshop 90 minutes - Symposium
The full program will be available for participants April 1.
To bring people together across the world in the name of sustainable educational development, the ICED22 Team offers 18 scholarships for participation in the ICED 2022 Conference. With considerable help from our generous sponsors, it is possible for educational developers, researchers and/or teachers from
ICED member institutions to apply for a 550 EURO scholarship, which covers the early bird registration fee.
Read more
The ICED22 team launches a new podcast series which will give you insights to the debates and subjects of the conference.
You can access the entire series via Spreaker,
Apple Podcast,
Spotify or
Google Podcast.
As an online participant you will get:
The pre-conference includes seven workshops, and every participants of the ICED22 can attend. The seven workshops are carefully selected by the representatives of ICED's 28 member networks (28 countries) and forwarded to the ICED22 Team for final selection.