Date: March 25-26, 2020
Venue: University of Applied Arts, die Angewandte, Auditorium, Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, Ground Floor,
A-1030 Vienna, Austria
Fee: Free
Deadline abstracts and registration: January 10, 2020
Submit abstract: Here
Registration: Here
Date Pre-conference Workshop: March 24, 2020
Venue Pre-conference Workshop: University of Applied Arts, die Angewandte, Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 2nd Floor, A-1030 Vienna, Austria
This conference is aimed at educators in Digital Humanities, Digital Cultures, Museum and Library Studies, Heritage Studies; as well as professionals and those supporting the heritage sector in teaching, training, professional development, and lifelong learning.
Conference description
Sticky learning is a fairly new concept that promotes methods for teaching/training so that it is retained more effectively afterwards — hence the stickiness. This is clearly the goal of all learning activities, but with recent technology development and with the concept of Industry 4.0, stickiness has also become a concept for learning outcomes that persist beyond the individual course or degree. Teaching methods such as problem and project-based learning, active classrooms, and student-centred classrooms are teaching methods that promote sticky learning.
These teaching methods can be explored within the wider frameworks of design thinking and maker culture as ways to teach a new generation of humanities and heritage students lifelong skills crucial to the creative and cultural industries, including user-centred design, citizen engagement, co-creation across sectors and on a larger scale, as well as ways for those in the humanities and heritage to take on and create solutions for global challenges. We know that such solutions will include new technologies, but also that they will rest on human and humanities knowledge for a sustainable (digital) transition of society.
This conference seeks to explore these themes within the wider areas of education within the digital humanities, cultural studies, and the creative and cultural industries, both as part traditional educational curricula as well as lifelong learning.
About abstracts
We welcome abstracts for long papers with 300 words (20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions); short papers (10 minutes) and posters which address themes related to conference more generally, but which especially address:
Pre-conference Workshop
As part of the conference, a pre-conference workshop, that focuses on online, blended, & flipped classrooms for teaching new technologies to humanities studies and heritage professionals, will be taken place on March 24, 2020.
The workshop will be co-designed by participants and will centre around the challenges that participants bring, including:
If you have further questions, please contact Susan Schreibman, Professor of Digital Arts and Culture, Maastricht University.