Call for Proposals: 12th International EUREDOCS Conference

HEIs coping with external and internal challenges

July 6 (noon) - 8 (noon), 2020

Venue: The Clube Universitário do Porto - Universidade do Porto, 180, Rua do Campo Alegre 877, Porto, Portugal

Deadline proposals: March 31, 2020

Deadline papers selected for presentation: June 15, 2020

In recent years, higher education systems have changed significantly in response to rising global challenges and various national policy initiatives. In the context of knowledge economy, higher education institutions were called to respond to social, economic, environmental and political demands challenging their external and internal regulation. A reconfiguration of the sector along market rules and a pervasive influence of managerial and economic dimensions upon academic management were simultaneously developed.

The rationale for many of these changes cannot be found exclusively within higher education and its analysis needs to consider higher education specificities and the examination of wider transformations taking place in the public sector all over the Western societies since the late twentieth century.

Higher education institutions have been interacting with this changing context, dealing with growing international and national competition while considering the interests of a variety of stakeholders. Their organisational forms, governance and management have been, and still are, under scrutiny in the pursuit of organisational performance, accurate coordination and control systems. But now questions arise whether these organizational and governance forms are appropriate for universities to respond to new challenges of climate crisis, large scale population movements, and challenges to EU values and democracy.

The EUREDOCS Conference welcomes papers focusing on how higher education institutions are interacting and responding to these transformations. Namely:

  • the impacts of the governance reforms on the decision-making structures and processes of higher education institutions and their missions;
  • the impacts of quality assessment and accreditation systems aiming to improve the control function over HE, HE system(s) and institutions on institutions internal environment, and academic and management staff;
  • how does performance management contribute to HEIs achievement and accomplishment of their changing economic and social missions.

This focus does not limit the topics explored to answer these questions (e.g. access, funding, quality, careers, graduate employment, etc.), nor the methodological approaches. Additionally, the emphasis on institutions and their actors does not preclude, rather encourages, comparative approaches from international and national standpoints and multidisciplinary perspectives.

Open track
Preference will be given to great proposals related to the conference theme, but the EUREDOCS conference also provides an open track option to allow other PhD students working on other European topics and issues in Higher education research to contribute to the conference.

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