Venue: Online - Big Blue Button
Fee EDC Member: $50
Fee Non-EDC Member: $75
Fee Group: $100
Deadline abstracts Concurrent Sessions: October 30, 2018
Deadline abstracts EDC Showcase: November 30, 2018
Call for proposals: Read more
Info and registration: Here
We invite you to participate in our first online Canadian Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) conference:
Positive Resilience and the Future of ED(C).
The committee has worked to create a novel and inexpensive way for groups to sign up to participate together, to encourage networking. In addition to the Call for Proposals, we are very pleased to announce the opening Keynote Speakers for the Educational Developers Caucus Online Conference.
Appreciative Resilience and Educational Development: Opening Keynote
Tuesday, February 19: 12 pm – 1 pm EST
Join Joan McArthur-Blair and Jeanie Cockell for a dynamic web-talk on their recent work in Appreciative Resilience. Educational Developers do powerfully important work inside organizations. They see the innovation on the horizon and translate it for individuals, teams and the entire organization. One of the innovations institutions are calling out for at this time is the practice of resilience as a process to help sustain the work of higher education. Appreciative Resilience takes the power of appreciative inquiry and embeds it into resilience practices as individuals and organizations journey through hope, despair and forgiveness. You will leave our time together with new ideas and ways to practice resilience.
More details:
Goals of the Conference
Read more about the conference
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Celia Popovic at