Call for Papers: The sixth Summer School on Higher Education 2019 – Methods and approaches in higher education research


Date: August 12-13, 2019

Venue: University of Jyväskylä, Ruusupuisto, Alvar Aallon katu 9, Jyväskylä, Finland

Fee: Free of charge

Call for papers deadline: May 1, 2019 (Applicants will be notified of acceptance by May 15, 2019)

Full paper deadline: July 31, 2019

Submit abstract and registration:Link Arrow Here

Welcome to the sixth Summer School on Higher Education. This year’s theme 'methods and approaches in higher education research' addresses the new directions and dilemmas related to methods and methodologies in higher education research as a complex multidisciplinary field.

The summer school addresses the big decisions faced by all PhD students in the course of their dissertation: The choice of the methods and approaches and their compatibility with the research questions and the theoretical and conceptual frameworks chosen. The keynote and the student papers may focus on any or all of following themes:

  • What challenges are posed to my research project by the multidisciplinary nature of higher education research?
  • What is relationships between methods, methodologies and data in my research project?
  • How do my theoretical and methodological choices match together and what are the related challenges?

Keynote speaker: Link Arrow Professor Rebecca Boden; Director of theLink Arrow New Social Research, NSR –programme, Tampere University.

The summer school provides PhD students an opportunity to present and get feedback on their own research as well as to meet senior researchers and other PhD students from the field of higher education research. The format of the summer school is based on students presenting their own papers, commenting on papers by other students and receiving feedback also from senior colleagues. Each paper will be commented by a student discussant and senior discussant. The language of the summer school is English.

The Summer School is organised by Finnish Institute for Educational Research, Link Arrow FIER, and Consortium of Higher Education Researchers in Finland, Link Arrow CHERIF

Find application form and further information here