SIG Meeting and Workshop: TLIC - Teaching and Learning in the International Classroom

Date: June 15, 2018, 10.00-15.00

Venue: SDU, Odense, Room 94

Registration deadline: June 13, 2018

Registration: Please send an email to Donna Hurford, Link Arrow


1. Welcome – coffee and tea

2. Review agenda and note additional agenda items

3. Follow up from last SIG meeting: SIG strategy ideas – share and invite comments and additions (30 min)

4. ITC updates Individuals or pairs or groups to share news on internationalising the curriculum in our own contexts or from projects – please plan for short sharing 3 min each. Signal any issues you would like us to discuss further in Session 5.

5. Discussions on ITC – space to share and discuss ITC issues from our settings and to invite ideas on ways forward or alternative approaches and insights (60 min)

Lunch –12ish – 13.00

6. DUNK 2019 – Preparing an ITC SIG proposal

14.45 Wrap up – What do we want from next semester’s SIG meeting and who will host it?