GO:IT Workshop: Global Online Inter-university Teaching

Date: April 20, 2017, 14.00-16.00

Venue: Center for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University

Registration deadline: April 18, 2017

Info and registrationLink Arrow Here

Workshop by:
Connected Curriculum Fellow & Reader in Higher Education Link Arrow Dr. Gwyneth Hughes, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, UK
Associate Professor in Educational Design and Technology, Link Arrow Rikke Toft Nørgård Center for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University, DK

There is much interest in internationalising the curriculum in higher education and giving students intercultural experience. However, the option of travel is limited for most students and the possibility for flying in guest teachers from near and far is too costly as well as too time consuming in an otherwise pressured academic life. Global Online Inter-university Teaching (GO:IT) presents an alternative effective and productive way of establishing international and intercultural teaching and learning opportunities for students. Through an easy pop-up format GO:IT connects staff and students across universities and countries through GO:IT partnership arrangements. UCL, London and Aarhus University have such a GO:IT partnership which we will share in this workshop along with the format for easily setting up similar inter-university arrangements and opportunities. We hope the workshop will enable participants to begin to work with and think about their own opportunities for Global Online Inter-university Teaching (GO-IT). 

14.00-14.30: Welcome and introduction to the GO:IT format 
14.30-15.00: Experience the GO:IT format in concrete activities

  • Open collective supervision
  • Multi-sited webinars
  • Online co-teaching
  • Inter-university wiki-reviews

15.00-15.30: Try-out of GO:IT and discussion of the draft GO:IT manual 
15.30-16.00: Sketching GO:IT activity to try out in own teaching & wrap-up 


  • Gain insight into the foundation and background to the format
  • Try to set up a pop-up GO:IT classroom
  • Comment on a draft GO:IT manual to use when designing and setting up own GO:IT formats
  • Discuss ways of setting up and trying out a GO:IT activity
  • Sketch a GO:IT concept to take home and try out in own teaching
  • Experience the format concretized in actual tried-out activities and gain knowledge of central potentials and pitfalls as result hereof